Awareness, Healing, & Liberation
Sample Schedule
Welcome to our Radical Refuge 8-9:30 [w]
Cycle 1: 9:30-10:30 [s]
Cycle 2: 10:30-11:30 [s]
Debrief and Decompress 11:30-12:00 [w]
Cycle 3: 12:00-1:00 [s]
Lunch 1:00-2:00 [w]
Cycle 4: 2:00-3:00 [s]
Closing the Circle 3:00-4:00 [w]
[w] whole group [s] small group
*Descriptions and Photos (below) follow sample schedule (above)
Whole group sessions happen in the central location of our Radical Refuge. Four small group sessions happen simultaneously, with educators cycling through each one throughout the day. All sessions are thoughtfully supported by our veteran facilitators.
Thank you for coming
Educators start the day in affinity as a whole group in our central Radical Refuge in-person space, nourishing themselves with community conversations and breakfast. The Radical Refuge begins by honoring educators, thanking educators, and asking – How would you like to be seen today?
(NOT please check in at the registration desk with your name to see if you belong)

Buttons and Breakfast
Educators start the day in affinity as a whole group in our central Radical Refuge in-person space, nourishing themselves with community conversations and breakfast. The Radical Refuge begins by honoring educators, thanking educators, and asking – How would you like to be seen today?
(NOT please check in at the registration desk with your name to see if you belong).
Educators and facilitators design identity buttons to share their multiple identities.
(They are NOT bestowed ID tags with their names and affiliation.)

Being together in our Vulnerability
Vanessa, the designer of the Radical Refuge, shares vulnerably, and in affinity with the whole group responding to the same question-how should you see me today? Together, educators mingle with all of our extraordinary facilitators who will share vulnerably along side educators.

Journey Mapping
In small groups, educators will create and discuss maps of their journeys throughout learning with the support of a 20-year veteran NYC teachers. Using their expertise with journey mapping, Jessica and Marsha will guide educators through intentional conversations. Together they consider the ways in which educator journeys align and where we’ve taken different paths. Our collective journey highlights the hidden identities of Latina and Black women educators.

Debrief and Decompress
Time to think, heal and process in community is critical -- but it’s also exhausting! Educators, take a break from small groups to catch their breath back in the central Radical Refuge space. With educator wellness and mental health professionals, it’s a time to all lean into our identity awareness. Come together to reflect and pause, shake it off and even laugh. Doesn’t hurt to also re-energize with some snacks!
Identity Buttons
Educators will gather in small groups to discuss the identity buttons they created during breakfast. How do you see yourself, how do you want others to see you? Briana is a veteran clinical social worker who has devoted her work to ECE educators and Doris is a veteran NYC teacher. Together educators explore their varied beautiful identities. Together they develop their identity awareness.

Healing Circle
Honoring our small group, educators explore communal healing with Isabel, a professional healer, in a safe and accepting space. With open minds and the support of mental health professionals from the Harlem Brain they listen with compassion and curiosity to process challenges and heal together. As they sit in the beautiful outdoor space they consider how we access our collective strength to deepen our capacity to heal from a place of identity awareness.

Lunch and Liberation
Educators sit and indulge in deliciously crafted culturally relevant food and beverages from local Latino and Black chefs. Food is a core value in how atina and Black women identify. Live Afro-Latina liberation music and dance from local musicians contributes to educators identity awareness and lived experiences. Educators talk, dance, laugh, breathe and exist steeped in their identities and journeys.

Radical Rest
Together, we will take some time to slow down, to rest, to breathe out our exhaustion from a lifetime of sexist and racial trauma. Denise, a veteran social worker devoted to supporting educators explores the tensions embedded in a society that exploits Latina and Black women as caregivers. Together educators are supported to honor their minds, bodies and souls by giving themselves the permission to rest. Together educators consider the fear and struggle in resting and the joy and power in practicing radical rest. (Inspired by Tricia Hersey's work).

Closing the Circle
Educators join in our Radical Refuge space to consider our day devoted to identity awareness, healing and liberation. Vanessa and facilitators highlight the history of Latina and Black women in service (and servitude) as caregivers to a white male dominant society. In affinity, we consider our journeys through a deepened identity awareness and development and we call each other to action. How do we lean in towards a future where we are visible to ourselves and the education system in which we've chosen to engage?